Saturday, March 16, 2013

Write, I Must

Welcome, fellow bloggers

Hello, Internet world.

This is ridiculous.... no one is even going to read my first post probably.  Except maybe my mom.


OH!! Uh.... Hi.  *sheepish smile*

What an odd sensation: whatever I write here today will, within moments, be thrown into the vast space of the internet.  True, from the start, it will be tucked away where no one can see and hardly anyone will find it, but it will be there.  Where the whole world could see.

I love to write, but that idea is a bit terrifying.

I already tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. I can spend hours writing something that should only take a few minutes because I have to go back and change every other word. And look up a boring tedious, dreary, and uninspiring word, to find an un-boring electrifying and sensational  word to replace it with.  But I can't take a month to write a blog post, ugghh.  How boring would that be?

Blogging Goal # 9: Making myself write, for the sake of writing (even if it means it's not perfect!).

So that's a goal: teaching myself to write - and create - without fear of failure, because if I am ever going to get my novel published, I will need to know how to do that!  (keep your fingers crossed on that one, for me.... of course, I have to finish my novel, before I can get it published.  *sigh*)

Mostly, though, this blog is a tribute to other people who have written. I hope to help direct anyone who may find this blog to some of the things that have most touched me. So many books and blogs are packed full of recipes, ideas, inspiration, and encouragement to brighten your home, serve those you love, and become the best person you can be.... the person that God has called you to be.

There are talented authors that have, with a few simple words, changed my life.

Changed my life.

How, then, could I resist being apart of the writing world?

Not that I expect that I will change anyone's life, but if what I write here can touch one life, bring one smile to someone's face, or encourage one person in midst of there struggle, that is reason enough to write.

And so.

Write, I must.